Recruiter Marketplace

Find and work with top-rated recruiters

Find quality candidates for hard-to-fill roles, fast, through the UK’s most powerful and active network of specialist recruitment agencies.

The UK's #1 recruitment agency marketplace

  • Android Developer


    £65k salary / 15% fee

    19 Days to Hire

  • Head of Sales


    £75k salary / 17.5% fee

    22 Days to Hire

  • Service Engineer


    £40k salary / 15% fee

    13 Days to Hire

  • Finance Director


    £110k salary / 20% fee

    24 Days to Hire

  • Python Developer

    St Albans, Hertfordshire

    £55k salary / 15% fee

    21 Days to Hire

  • Senior Auditor


    £60k salary / 15% fee

    16 Days to Hire

  • Head of Content

    Shoreditch, London

    £46k salary / 15% fee

    19 Days to Hire

  • Lead Developer


    £70k salary / 15% fee

    19 Days to Hire

  • Quantity Surveyor


    £44k salary / 15% fee

    15 Days to Hire

  • Store Manager


    £32k salary / 12.5% fee

    9 Days to Hire

  • Business Analyst

    London Bridge

    £42k salary / 15% fee

    12 Days to Hire

Job filled

  • TechHub

    27 jobs filled, 8 live jobs

  • Obscurant

    68 jobs filled, 6 live jobs

  • Dean Personnel

    12 jobs filled, 5 live jobs

  • RSO Ltd

    40 jobs filled, 8 live jobs

  • Zebra Talent

    3 jobs filled, 4 live jobs

  • Jagger Talent

    86 jobs filled, 6 live jobs

  • Solid Recruit

    39 jobs filled, 5 live jobs

  • FT Recruit

    12 jobs filled, 2 live jobs

  • Expert Hiring

    10 jobs filled, 3 live jobs

  • NMS Recruit

    10 jobs filled, 6 live jobs


What is a recruitment agency marketplace?

The marketplace is your gateway to a network of rated and reviewed recruiters. Companies use it to take the hassle out of finding and working with specialist recruiters, helping them find candidates for hard-to-fill jobs, faster.

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You're in good company

Watch this quick explainer
video to learn more

Ready to take a test drive?
Start your free trial here.

“Hiring Hub's marketplace makes working with multiple recruiters a stress-free and positive experience. We always receive high quality candidates quickly through the platform. ”

Selina Noton, Marketing Director at Anchor Safety

The smarter way to find and work with top recruitment agencies

Set your recruiter fee
upfront for total clarity.

Peace of mind 100%
money back guarantee.

Bring your own recruiters to
the party. Upload your PSL.

Rated five-star on Trustpilot
for customer support.

Setup your no risk free trial of
Hiring Hub in minutes.

Find top candidates for
hard-to-fill roles, really fast!

Ready to try Hiring Hub?
Start your free trial today.

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How Hiring Hub works

1. Post your job

Post your job and set the fee you’d be willing to pay a recruiter upfront for total clarity (you only pay this if you hire).

2. Approve recruiters

Recruitment agencies will ask to work on your vacancy. Those you approve will conduct a search and submit their best candidates.

3. Review candidates

Login to review candidate CVs, communicate with agencies, schedule interviews and manage your recruitment process online.

4. Hire

When you hire we’ll invoice for the fee you originally set on the candidate’s start date before passing this on to the successful recruitment agency.

Try Hiring Hub.
Start your free trial today.

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Why the UK's top employers choose Hiring Hub

Find trusted recruiters

Access the largest, most engaged network of specialist recruitment agencies in the UK, check their profiles and Hiring Hub score, and read reviews from both employers and candidates.

Accelerate hiring

Post your job, approve agencies, and within days (if not hours) you’ll receive quality candidates to review. Three out of four jobs go to interview stage within three days!

Track metrics and performance

Get data and insights on your recruitment activity, spend and performance, and reference them against marketplace and industry benchmarks.

Streamline your process

Use the platform to centralise recruitment agency management and streamline your recruitment process in the cloud.

“Every now and again you discover a business or idea and wonder: how did I not think of that? Hiring Hub's approach is not only novel, it's impressively efficient. It's no surprise many of the best companies in Europe are making it a central part of their recruitment toolkit.”

Simon Wilkinson, Chairman of Hiring Hub

You're in good company...

feel for our business and the way in which we operate, but creating a good brief that was passed on to each recruiter proved invaluable in order to get the right candidates. I most definitely recommend Hiring Hub's marketplace to internal recruitment teams, we're over the moon with the process.

Hannah Cumpsty
Daisy Corporate Services

feel for our business and the way in which we operate, but creating a good brief that was passed on to each recruiter proved invaluable in order to get the right candidates. I most definitely recommend Hiring Hub's marketplace to internal recruitment teams, we're over the moon with the process.

Hannah Cumpsty
Daisy Corporate Services

feel for our business and the way in which we operate, but creating a good brief that was passed on to each recruiter proved invaluable in order to get the right candidates. I most definitely recommend Hiring Hub's marketplace to internal recruitment teams, we're over the moon with the process.

Hannah Cumpsty
Daisy Corporate Services

feel for our business and the way in which we operate, but creating a good brief that was passed on to each recruiter proved invaluable in order to get the right candidates. I most definitely recommend Hiring Hub's marketplace to internal recruitment teams, we're over the moon with the process.

Hannah Cumpsty
Daisy Corporate Services

feel for our business and the way in which we operate, but creating a good brief that was passed on to each recruiter proved invaluable in order to get the right candidates. I most definitely recommend Hiring Hub's marketplace to internal recruitment teams, we're over the moon with the process.

Hannah Cumpsty
Daisy Corporate Services

Recruitment marketplace FAQs

How much does it cost to post a job on the marketplace?

It costs £179 to post a job. For this, we can help you create a brief and select recruiters, support with interview scheduling and help with admin. Want to try Hiring Hub? Ask us about a free trial.


What is the candidate's rebate period?

As with everything Hiring Hub, we’ve tried to keep the candidate’s rebate period really simple and transparent. It lasts for 60 days from the candidate’s start date. If a candidate doesn’t work out during this period, subject to our marketplace Terms of Business (you can read them here), you will be refunded as follows:

  • 0-45 days – 100% of the Placement Fee
  • 46-60 days – 50% of the Placement Fee

What placement fee should I set to incentivise recruiters?

Over the last 12 months (and rounded down to a whole number) the average fee on the marketplace was 15%. However, it’s a dynamic marketplace and fees can vary widely depending on sectors, location, market conditions, seniority of role, etc. If you’re unsure, or simply want some impartial advice, call us on: 0000 000 0000. Our account managers are experts, with deep knowledge of the marketplace, its recruiter community, and the wider recruitment industry so they’re able to share market intelligence with you in real time and offer benchmarks while advising on best practice.

How many recruitment agencies should I engage on a role?

We recommend no more than three. Recruiters have to weigh up not only the fee you’re willing to pay, but also how likely it is they’ll get that fee. If you engage too many recruiters, the likelihood of them getting a fee gets smaller, reducing their appetite to throw the kitchen sink at your candidate search. If, however, they’re confident they can find great candidates and there’s a strong chance they’ll get the fee, and you engage with them throughout the process, you’re much more likely to get a positive result.

What type of jobs get filled on the marketplace?

The marketplace was built to connect employers to specialist recruitment consultants, so typically jobs are white collar and technical in nature, where specific experience is required. We have recruitment consultants covering all areas of the UK and Europe, across the majority of sectors, including: IT & Digital, Finance & Accounting, Engineering & Manufacturing, Construction & Rail, HR & Legal, Sales & Marketing, Executive, Retail, Property and Pharma.

Our three top performing sectors in terms of jobs posted during the last 12 months have been Digital & IT, Sales & Marketing, Finance & Accountancy, and Engineering & Manufacturing. We keep an up-to-date management dashboard of key marketplace information, which has lots of information on sectors, fill rates, recruitment agency coverage, etc. So we can share with you real time market intelligence when setting up your account and qualifying your jobs – just ask.

Does Hiring Hub vet recruitment agencies to ensure quality?

We do, yes. We speak to every recruiter that wishes to become a member to find out more about them, and to give them some insight into how we work and what we expect from them.

Once an agency is approved, the platform monitors their activity and performance (how many jobs do they work on, how many CVs do they submit per job, how many of those candidates get to first interview, second interview, offer stage, etc.) This, married to any verified marketplace reviews they collect from employers and/or candidates, influences their profile score and gives you a good idea on who might be able to find you the best candidates.

Can all the recruiters see my vacancy and contact details?

No. When you upload a job to the marketplace we keep your details anonymous; agencies can only see limited information, like the job title, location, sector, salary, and the fee you’ve set. Only the recruiters you approve to work on your vacancy can view the full job brief, and your preferred method of communication. Once you have engaged a recruiter, we recommend joining a briefing call so they can really get under the skin of the vacancy, and learn more about your company.

If I upload a job will I be inundated with CVs?

No, you can decide how many CVs each recruitment agency you engage with is able to submit. So you can approve, say, three recruitment agencies to work on your vacancy, but only let them submit two candidates each. So you’ll get a maximum shortlist of six candidates to review.

Can I add more than one user to my marketplace account?

Yes, you can add unlimited users to your company’s account. This can centralise your company’s recruitment activity, allowing hiring managers to login, view, and review CVs, too.

If you need any help setting up, call our support team: 0000 000 0000 or use the website’s Live Chat function (at the bottom right-hand corner of your dashboard), which will connect you straight to us so we can help.

What happens if I receive the same candidate from two different recruitment agencies?

There is a digital footprint of each candidate submission, which are time stamped. Our Terms state that, provided the recruitment consultant correctly sought the Right to Represent the candidate, the consultant that submitted the candidate first “owns” the candidate, and the second submission will be marked as a duplicate.

Can I add my own PSL to Hiring Hub to keep everything in one place?

Yes. You can subscribe to Portal and use it as a recruitment agency management tool, allowing you to consolidate all third-party recruitment agency activity on one platform for greater visibility of metrics, performance and spend, rapid onboarding of new suppliers, and simplify payments and invoicing. Speak to us to learn more.

Meet our recruiters

We’ve met some fantastic new employers through Hiring Hub and, as a small business, it’s helped us grow revenue. I can’t recommend it enough.

Rachel Dunne
Owner, Adria Solutions

Recruitment agency? Learn more here

60-Day Rebate

Get up to 100% of your fee back
if a candidate leaves.

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ensure you fill your job.


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